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Some Things Must Be Documented


Every now and then… I’m feeling good. I’ve had some sleep. I feel kinda rested. It’s a nice day. The weather is lovely. I feel like taking a picture or two… or seven. It’s an even better day if I still have an ounce of energy left once I get home from work. That, my friends, is […] Read more…

Inside the House of Fab


Recently I got an email for a Meet Up. The invite was for a charity event held at the JustFab offices. The event would be gathering dresses for teens to wear to their prom. We were asked to donate formal attire and in exchange we could get one free item from Sounded like a […] Read more…

Under My Umbrella, Ella, Ella


This is Southern California. This is Fall. In the ten years I’ve lived here, I’ve learned that a Southern California Fall/Winter means that leaves will fall, darkness comes early and instead of snow – we get rain…lots of rain. So instead of snow boots, we rock wellies! I was never a fan of these kicks […] Read more…

Falling In


I’m finally beginning to fall into fall fashion. My timing couldn’t be worse as its nearly 100 degrees here in Los Angeles! Oh well, when it does cool down, here are some things I want to be rocking. I have been looking for a leopard print patent leather kitten heel shoe. I haven’t found one […] Read more…