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Just the Pics, Please


Flowers chosen by my two year old. His dad approved. This face just made my day – all day! Cherishing the moment… My last Mother’s Day as a Mom of one. Gifts made at school for mom. Adding them to my collection of keepsakes! What a wonderful day! How was your weekend/Mother’s Day? Read more…

Dem Da Rules


Becoming a mother has changed so many things about me. Some were expected: 1 – I don’t have much time for TV – sorry peeps, I know NOTHING of Game of Thrones 2– I don’t remember the last time I saw a movie. Wait, yes I do. It was Sex and the City 2. Don’t […] Read more…

Fashionably Speaking…


“If most of us are ashamed of shabby clothes and shoddy furniture, let us be more ashamed of shabby ideas and shoddy philosophies…. It would be a sad situation if the wrapper were better than the meat wrapped inside it.” ~Albert Einstein **The Winner of the UPrinting giveaway is Jenny, Modern Modest Beauty! Congrats. I’ll […] Read more…

Monday Mingle : Easter Style


We had a busy weekend here in L.A. There were Easter egg hunts, we dyed eggs, took pictures with the Easter bunny, went to church and just had a great time. I stopped several times yesterday and just felt really grateful. Grateful for the man I married, for the child we created and the child […] Read more…

You Want It? You Got It!


When I first mentioned to my friend that I had been gifted a necklace from QVC the first thing she commented on was the quality of their stuff. She orders from them all the time. She said shopping networks aren’t what they used to be and you could get great designer stuff. So many name […] Read more…