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Dem Da Rules


Becoming a mother has changed so many things about me. Some were expected: 1 – I don’t have much time for TV – sorry peeps, I know NOTHING of Game of Thrones 2– I don’t remember the last time I saw a movie. Wait, yes I do. It was Sex and the City 2. Don’t […] Read more…

Get Ready!


Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy! That’s how I am feeling right now. I’m six months along with baby number two and looking forward to meeting my little girl. All of my excitement is mixed with worry though. I’m worried about how my first born, my son, is going to react to all of the newness in […] Read more…

I Guess I Was Asking for It


Looking back, I totally set myself up for this. It came naturally. Whenever my son hurt himself, he tells me he has an ow-ee. My response, “where is it? I’ll kiss it and make it better.” Well, now my child has stepped into new territory. #1 While eating dinner, he bit his tongue. He says, […] Read more…

I’m Watching You


Dear Diego, My son thinks you’re awesome. I don’t know what you’ve done to my little guy but as soon as you hit the screen he goes into this crazy hopping dance. He starts waving at the TV and saying “Hi, Diego”, “I was looking for you, Diego”. He’s just as nuts about your home […] Read more…

I’m Two!


Nothing makes you notice the passing of time like the birthday’s of your child. My little man recently turned two. I was so excited about his birthday but in a little bit of denial too. I still can’t believe I’m the mom of a two year old little boy! How and when did that happen? […] Read more…

It’s Potty Time!


There are signs. There are always signs. When my son was a baby, he would nod his head in the direction of my boobage with his mouth wide open to signal to me that he was hungry. When he started to eat food, he gave signals. His little mouth would water with anticipation of the […] Read more…

Dinner is Served


I’ve said before that dinner time at my house is a mad dash. I have about twenty minutes to pull it all together. Add to that a fickle eater and mommy has her work cut out for her. In all of my blog reading I came across this recipe for sausage and peppers from Tina […] Read more…

Rookie Parenting


As parents, there are some things that are a given: Don’t let your kids touch the stove. Don’t let your kids eat the dogs food. Don’t let the baby miss a nap. These are all pretty common knowledge. Well, we’ve had to add a new one to our list. This weekend we made a rookie […] Read more…

Tools of the Trade


Calling all parents who travel with toddlers! I need you! We will be gearing up for a cross country jaunt with our little guy in a few weeks. While we’re super excited about the trip back home, we’re also crazy stressed about how little man will do on the 5 hour flight! Eek! The last […] Read more…