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R.I.P Caylee


I’ve said nothing. I avoided the topic completely. I turned my head or the channel whenever it came on TV. The Casey Anthony trial is impossible to avoid now. I don’t know if I wanted to pretend it didn’t exist. I don’t think that’s it. I think I just knew that I couldn’t handle knowing […] Read more…

Tots on the pole


If your daughter decides to hit the pole at 18, you’d probably question yourself. Where did you go wrong? Why did she make that choice? At the end of the day though, it would have been her choice as a consenting adult. Sucky choice, but her choice. The same can’t be said when it’s a […] Read more…

What’s on the menu


After sitting down to talk to other mommies I noticed that we all have a common dilemma when it comes to our babies. What to feed them! Who knew that these miniature people could be so hard to feed sometimes? It’s the combination of holding off on certain things for allergies and choking hazard and […] Read more…