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writer’s workshop

Run For It!!


Here’s something you should know about me, I am an only child. While I didn’t have siblings to grow up with, I did have cousins. There were four of us. Three girls and one boy. The boy being the oldest. We would have so much fun together. The girls stuck together. The boy wanted very […] Read more…

Chicken Babies


Topic of the day: Describe a food you abhor. It’s been called incredible and edible but for me it’s just disgusting and vomit-inducing! That’s right, I’m talking about the egg. Yuck! I don’t know what it is about the chicken embryo that causes me to feel ill. I used to eat them when I was […] Read more…

Real Housewife of L.A.


So, I think Mama Kat is checking out my posts beforehand. I’m not sure how she does it but, it’s a little creepy. I totally wrote a post about being a “Real Housewife” to publish tomorrow. Now that’s being moved up to today thanks to a certain “mama”. Why, you ask? Well, the great “mama” […] Read more…

What’s in a Name


Courage is a crazy thing. We have to pull it out of nowhere all the time. When you’re doing a presentation at work, when you have to dive into the river to save your pet – that my friends, is courage. In the prompt this week one of the options was to have the courage […] Read more…

Writer’s Workshop – 3 Wishes


via Yet again, Mama Kat has delivered some great writing prompts for her absolutely world famous writer’s workshop. 1.) Ask the psychic! You have an opportunity to get any question answered in regards to your future. What will you ask? 2.) April is national poetry month…Write a poem about hope. 3.) Something you do […] Read more…