Over the last few months, some bombshells have been dropped in the music world. I think I first heard that Celine Dion has a rare condition that causes spasms and makes it hard for her to sing. Then I heard about the legendary Roberta Flack being diagnosed with ALS and unable to really talk, let alone sing. The losses these women are experiencing have really got me thinking about the power of our gifts.

I grew up hearing Roberta’s music. My mom is a fan and so I heard a lot of her music. I have so many favorites. “The Closer I Get To You” is a classic and Celine’s “Because You Loved Me” has a special place in my heart. The thing is, that wouldn’t be the case if these women never shared their gifts. So many of our favorites have earned that spot because they (or someone else) recognized they had a gift and were encouraged to share it. Because they did so many of us have memories tied to their songs. That’s like their gift to us.
The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.
Pablo Picasso
While thinking about our gifts, I can’t help but think of the gifts I’m sitting on. What is there left inside of me that could be shared with others? There are some things I’ve been sitting on. I realize a big reason for it is imposter syndrome. Another reason is the people I chose to share my goals with. They don’t always see it or take it seriously. Has anyone else been there?
Imposter syndrome seems to hit us all at some point. I promise even your fave has to deal with it at some point. Getting over that hurdle takes a dose of confidence. I’m choosing to hype myself up like your favorite ego-driven celeb until I get to where I need to be. Sometimes you have to hype yourself up until you really believe that you are really capable of all that you think you are.
One lesson I’ve had to learn over and over again is remembering who I share my dreams and goals with. I have been burned by sharing with friends who I thought would be more supportive. But even worse, I’ve been disappointed by people even closer to me who write off what my ambitions are in favor of something that’s more palatable to them. Can I just say, we’re off that! For me, I’ve decided to keep more things to myself. I don’t have to say anything. I’ll just keep my head down and do the work I’m excited about.
I feel like every year we talk about how this year would be different. How we’ll go after what we really want. The fizz of the new year fades and we fall back into the routine that we’re used to and slide further away from the things we really want. We’re nearly a quarter into the new year and it seems like a great time to be reminded to get back to those things that had you all bubbly on Jan 1st.