I’ve heard Valentine’s Day describe as Single Awareness Day and I’ve heard people complain that it’s just a set up to get you to overspend in a materialistic show of love. My husband and I don’t make a huge deal out of it but we always do something. At the same time, I’m all for making the day more about self love. Whether you’re rolling solo or part of a duo, I’ve got some ideas on how to spend the day. While self love and self care should be things we focus on daily, maybe we take it up a notch on February 14th.

So what does that look like? Well, you can start with treating yourself. If there’s something that you’ve been putting off gifting yourself, why not hit that checkout button for V-Day?
Eat WELL There’s something to be said about eating well. Some of the best meals take time to make. Time isn’t something we always have. For the holiday, maybe you take the time to make yourself something delicious for dinner or an amazing dessert. There’s always the option of ordering from your fave restaurant too. I’m thinking some sushi is in my future.
Keep SMILING Do something that makes you smile. Whether it’s a good book, a hike to a beautiful spot or an at home spa day – do it. I just bought a facial steamer and will be treating myself to some amazing skin for Valentine’s Day and beyond.
Practice JOY I don’t know if you’ve jumped on this bandwagon or not. Virtual wine tastings are indeed a thing. My friends and I have done double dates during a wine tasting. We even did one where we watched a theater production while learning to make yummy cocktails. I’ve seen some virtual wine tastings pop up lately that can be private, for just you and your friends. The ones I’ve done have been public. It would be cool to do one just with our circle of friends. Whether you want to do one with girlfriends or other couples, it’s a good time.
Start with YOU In all ways, when it comes to showing love, start with you. You can’t put love out there when you’re not being loving to the one who matters most. The most important thing is that we don’t wait for a holiday to be loving. Whether that means loving yourself or those you care about. What’s one way you’re making sure to practice self-love?