One of my favorite spaces to hang out probably won’t surprise you. I read – a lot. It’s not shocking to anyone that knows me that I love a good book store. I wish there were more indie bookstores around me. Those are the best. They just have a character to them that you can’t recreate in a chain bookstore.

Not too long ago, I was at a bookstore with my kids. The library and the bookstore wins them over every time. It’s the same level of excitement as telling them we’re going to the park. My son has his favorite types of books already and heads over to find new titles immediately. My daughter will check out any books I hand to her. I walked around and saw this book called What do you do with an idea? I picked it up to share with her.
It reminded me of an idea
Standing in the store, I read the book and I wanted to buy it for myself. It was just the little boost of confidence I needed. It reminded me that I have to give my ideas a chance and believe in them. One thing I’ve learned as I’ve gotten older is how easy it is to talk yourself out of your ideas.

My kids have ideas and they run with them! My son built a whole Iron Man suit out of paper. He can wear it! It has all the details made from paper. The kid impresses me! My daughter is the same way. She loves to craft and comes up with the most creative things. One project was making a crib for a small doll out of construction paper and pipe cleaner. She used a stamp to stamp different shapes on the paper, cut out the shapes and connected them to the pipe cleaner to make a mobile for the crib. They are full of ideas and they stop at nothing to see them through.
I have to borrow some of that at times and remind myself of the beauty of my own ideas. They can be done. In the last few months, I’ve made progress on projects that I’d been thinking about for more than a year. It feels good to see the ideas make their way out of my head and into reality.