Here’s the thing. Being in lockdown is a whole other beast. It can bring out the best in people or the absolute worst. I’ve seen some marriages tested because being around each other ALL THE TIME is tough. Everyone needs some time alone at one point or another. My husband and I have been making it work. We spend a lot of time together and we’re been good with it. It doesn’t hurt that he has his work area and I have mine. The kids are usually all over my work area. I’ve accepted that I share it with them now. Ha! In this time of extreme closeness with my family and time with myself, I’ve learned a few things.

Lockdown Lessons
1 – I’m not nearly as focused as I thought I was. I have so many things I’d like to accomplish but it’s been hard. I’ve had to stop watching the news so much because my mind would be on all the things and my focus goes out the window. The other things is, I feel like I always have something to do. The kids keep me busy even though they do their own thing to a degree. The house is a whole other thing. Once I start one thing it piggy backs onto another and begins a rabbit hole of projects around the house. Then my personal projects take a back seat and I’m too tired to focus on them.
2 – I’m committed. While being focused has been an issue being committed has not. That commitment to myself has shown up in my exercise regimen. I tend to work out at least six days a week. Just this week, I hit 100 weeks of consistently showing up for myself and exercising. Before I hit that streak of 100 weeks, I had been on and off or doing other types of workouts that weren’t being tracked. All in all, I’ve been consistently working out for the last few years and I’m so proud of myself for it.
3 – I’m also competitive. This is a new one for me. I never saw myself as competitive. Now, I compete with myself (HARD) I want to always outdo my last workout. That’s the thing though, I’m only competing with myself. I always want to be a better version of myself than I was the day before.
It’s the simple things
4 – I like being home – a lot. I know for some people being home all the time has been so hard – for various reasons. As for me, I knew I was a bit of a homebody before but man I didn’t know how cool I would be with being at home so much. I think it’s because I feel like I always have something to do. I stay busy. From the time I wake up until I got to bed at night, I’m never at a loss for things to do. Most nights, I go do bed thinking of the things I didn’t get to. Still, after several months of this, I’m just starting to feel like breaking out! Even I have my limits, I guess!
5 – I don’t need much. I’ve heard someone say that being home so much has made them realize they shop too much and don’t need nearly half the stuff they own. From clothes to shoes and bags – she started to realize it was too much. Not being able to get out as much has made people start to lean toward minimal living. I can see that. Certainly, I realized I don’t need much. I haven’t done any shopping really. I bought a couple of sundresses – but that’s it. I’m barely even buying books (as much as I love them) because the library is digital.
6 – I really can happily cook every. single. day. LIES! I can do it but I am SO tired of cooking. We just started to order take out every now and again two weeks ago. Mama needs a break.
What have you learned in lockdown about yourself ?