April is somehow almost over and I’m having a hard time wrapping my mind around it. This year has been something else. On top of all that it has been, it’s also going by really fast! Things have been picking up for me work wise and I can see the evidence of that in the amount of books I was able to read last month. January and February had me feeling like superwoman. Each of those months I read seven book. March is a little bit of a different story. I made my way through five books. They were all pretty different and interesting in their own right. Let’s talk about it, shall we?

First up is Ties that Tether. This book is about a daughter being challenged to break away from a promise she made to her father on his death bed. She has to make the choice to follow her heart or keep that promise. All the while her mother is constantly reminding her of the promise she made while interfering WAY too much in her daughter’s love life.
When No One Is Watching is a mystery thriller take on gentrification. I had no idea where this story was going next and that was a good thing. Sydney, the main character, is fighting to keep her mom’s home in Brooklyn all while watching it being taken over. When people come up missing in the strangest ways, she has no choice but to literally fight for her neighborhood and what she uncovers is just crazy!
While reading Transcendent Kingdom was a hard read, it was a good read. A family immigrates from Ghana to Alabama. The changes in the family are immediate. They came to the U.S. for a better life, that’s not what their family got though. They came whole and they were broken in the worst ways. The family is dealt blows of drug addiction, depression and desertion. I found myself pulling for them to make it. As they fractured piece by piece, I just wanted a win for them.
Jazz starts out letting readers know, there’s a love triangle going on. A married man starts an affair with a teenager. She decides that she is tired of being with an old man and take an interest in someone her own age. Her scorned lover finds out after stalking her and his response is to shoot her. She dies and the story gets really interesting from there.
The City We Became was a different read for me. It’s a sci-fi story and that’s not usually what I gravitate toward. It pushed me outside of my comfort zone and I’m not mad at it. After the avatar of New York disappears, a group of give new avatars representing the five boroughs struggle to come together to fight a common enemy. It’s so interesting. The people that are chosen as avatars have the personality that goes along with the borough they represent. One borough in particular is really hard to bring along for the fight.
That’s what I managed to read in March. I think April’s list is going to be shorter because the busy hasn’t gone on break over here. Still, I’m always open to suggestions… so, if you have some books to add to my growing list, let me know!