Sometimes self-care looks like a girls’ trip. I’ll say this and you’ll have to trust me on it – you need a girls’ getaway! It may take some time to plan it and get everyone on the same page. Or your friend group may pull something together really quickly and get the ball rolling. Whatever the case, it will be worth it. Ask me how I know.

I just got back from a much-needed girls’ trip with my friends. We’ve known each other since college and live in different states. A couple of years ago, we decided that we needed to start planning a trip. The original location was Napa. For various reasons, it didn’t happen. We would just catch up over really long Zoom calls. On one call in particular we started talking about this trip again. We all agreed that it needed to happen. The question was when and where. It went from waiting a year to making it happen in a few months. The next thing I knew we were sending text messages with screenshots of flight itineraries! When we’re motivated, we make things happen.
Fast forward to the end of February and we were all landing in Phoenix, Arizona ready to strengthen our bonds, laugh, and relax. We had a lovely home rented for our stay. It served as the perfect spot for movie nights and relaxing dinners. Since we were in Phoenix I suggested we watch the perfect movie, filmed in the city – Waiting to Exhale. That movie is always a good idea, especially when surrounded by good girlfriends. Even though we made our way into the city to restaurants and the spa, it was nice to have a home base that was an actual home. We made memories that will last! For example, I’m sure none of us will forget hiking up this mountain.
As I was flying home, I looked out the window and saw this beautiful rainbow above the clouds. It was the perfect magical touch to end a beautiful few days away.

Before we left we made plans for our next trip and I’m already looking forward to it. If you haven’t done a trip with your friends lately, please add it to your to-do list – immediately!