There was a fight this weekend. Floyd Mayweather won yet another boxing match in Las Vegas. I may not have been in the ring with Floyd Mayweather but my mouth certainly feels like it. This weekend was spent laid up in the house. I was in full recovery mode. I had my wisdom teeth removed. Based on the pain, you couldn’t tell me I didn’t just go a few rounds in the ring with a prize fighter. My mouth feels like someone knocked me out and took a couple of my teeth in the process.

I wanted to ask the oral surgeon for my teeth to put under my pillow. I feel like the tooth fairy should be hooking me up for this.

tooth fairyvia

I’ve had enough soup and yogurt to last me the rest of my life. I’m just ready for this throbbing in my jaw to go away.

I’m dreaming of the days of my full recovery. Here are the top seven things I’m looking forward to when my mouth and  I are getting along again.

Being pain free

Eating a salad

Munching on trail mix

Enjoying a little bit of meat with my meal

Being done with pain killers 

Not being hungry

Sleeping all night without waking up in pain

My face being normal and not swollen

Have you had your wisdom teeth removed?

P.S. Happy Cinco de Mayo! Guess who won’t be having any chips with my guacamole? Lame!


38 Comments on Where is the Tooth Fairy?

  1. I had four wisdom teeth pulled at the same time. But my dr gave me the best drugs EVER! I swear I was up and about the next day with minimal swelling. One thing he told me that I try to tell everyone else: for the first day or 2 sleep sitting up or propped up. The swelling isn’t half as bad.
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  2. My wisdom teeth hurt so bad. I’m so glad they were cut out when I was 18! Feel better soon.

  3. I really hope you are feeling better. Over the years (like between 17-19) I had to get them all removed. It was so not funny. I totally understand what you’re feeling. At the time my food of choice was mashed potatoes and gravy and pudding. Of course you can have anything that’s been effectively purreed. But the moment I was in the clear, the first thing that I are was pretzels. Hope you get everything your craving 🙂

  4. Gah, I meant to say when I was 17 to 19 years old. Not over 17-19 years. That’s what I get for typing when I’m tired hahahaha.

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