It happens. If you’re not careful, life will catch you slipping. Before you know it, you’ll be “that” mom. The mom you said you’d never be. For me, I didn’t want to fall into a rut. It’s been my thing since I became a mom. I made it a point to keep my identity. While I was working outside of the home, that was easier. I’m a fashion lover. I loved getting dressed. The whole process of putting a look together, switching up my hair a bit and finding the perfect accessories was part of my morning routine. I held on to that for some time after becoming a SAHM. It’s definitely been more of a challenge though.

It seems that with each new life transition it gets a little harder to take care of me. As a working mom, it seemed easier for me to spend a little time on myself. It seemed easier to schedule some time for myself. My days look really different now. I work at my computer, alternating between my sofa and my bed. (One day, I’ll show my work space some love) The changes in my life have been reflected in my wardrobe, in my hair, in my (ahem) waistline. I’m making some changes around here. I’ll be sharing them with you.

One big (albeit temporary) change I just made is with my hair. I had been going back and forth from my natural curls to straight. I was bored. I wasn’t feeling like myself anymore. I know enough about myself to know that how I feel on the inside will reflect on the outside. How I look definitely has an impact on me. If I put some effort into me, I feel better. It carries over into my day.

smile braidsSo, I made a simple change. I got a head full of braids. It’s new for me. It’s fun and it’s a change. Sometimes a small change is all we need to set other, bigger changes in motion. This was my way of paying attention to myself. My way of acknowledging my tank was getting low and I needed a bit of self care to replenish myself. The way I was carrying myself and not doing for myself was because I was busy doing for my family. Am I alone here?

self care priorityBecause I know how hard it can be for mamas to take time for ourselves, I’m kicking off a challenge today. It’s the Mama Survival challenge! I’m excited about it! It’s a 5 day challenge with daily challenges and inspiration to jump start a self care journey. I’ve heard from so many moms who need to eek out time for themselves. I created this with us in mind.

While I am all about finding passions and pursuing dreams, I know the core of that is self care. It’s hard to run for your dreams or even feel worthy of them without self care. Ready to join me? Click here. Or to find out more about the challenge, go here.

Tell me, how do you keep your self-care tank from going empty?


64 Comments on Who Else Could Use Self Care?

  1. I get it! I think I’m getting better at self-care, but after 4 days of migraines my dr prescribed weekly massages this morning! Oh yeah, this mama can get on board with that! (Love the braids!)

  2. You are adorable – I love the braids. Sometimes it’s fun just to do something a little different. It brings something new and fresh to the table.

  3. This some straight to me! I have been trying myself i have got to do better. The more life hands me, the less effort i out into myself which had a downward effect on everything! Time for change!
    Bijee recently posted…Say Hello…My Profile

  4. I love this topic! This is a huge thing for me and for many of my clients. One thing I do (and teach them to do) is I work in my Daily Luxe practices. Daily Luxe is when you take something you already had to do that day anyway (e.g. bathing) and give it an inexpensive and luxurious upgrade (e.g. BUBBLES!). I feel better when I take time to do nice things for myself.
    Carisa Montooth recently posted…Love Tips Series #5: Getting Your Partner to Support Your BusinessMy Profile

  5. I’m so behind on my self care. I could so use some more! I always put everyone ahead of myself. I’m happy, but could use some more me time!

  6. Your hair looks amazing. I love the braids. It looks really good on you. I like to treat myself to a massage whenever i can.

  7. I love your braids – they look amazing on you!
    I’m guilty of not taking care of myself really ever now that I have a son. He takes up so much time its hard to get any for myself!

  8. Your braids look fab on you, I always wanted some when I was younger. I am totally guilty of not taking care of myself, eating right, etc. I am always too concerned with my little boy but he needs a happy, healthy mama too.

  9. It can be so hard sometimes to find some time to just take care of myself. Lately though, I’ve been trying to make the time because after all if I don’t take care of myself, no one will! As a mom, sometimes it’s hard to let go of feeling guilty for taking a little time for yourself.
    Michelle @ Dishes and Dust Bunnies recently posted…Homemade Chunky GuacamoleMy Profile

  10. Creating a way for moms to deliberately do some self care is thoughtful. It’s definitely useful too.

  11. Yes, I believe in change. Doing things for myself instead of others makes me feel good. I so need my hair done. Your braids came out great!

  12. Your very pretty. =) I have 5 kiddos and I don’t really get much self care. I’m the type that just throws my hair in a ponytail, grab easy clothes to throw on and that is my daily routine. I know I really should spend some more time on me but eventually I will get there.

  13. I know I don’t take care of myself enough life just seems to get in the way. I think it is time I pamper myself a little.

  14. I keep my self-care tank from going empty by making date night a priority each week and giving myself a few kid-free hours each week to do whatever I want to do.

  15. When I was a young Mom (my son is grown now) time was short as my husband and I worked partially opposite work shifts. O many times, when I was the “Mommy” I was also alone. My escape was crocheting. I also made sure I looked good.
    Alana recently posted…How to Save $220My Profile

  16. This post really speaks to me! Self care is so important but I never make enough time to do it.

  17. I really make an effort to make time for myself. Tomorrow is a rare thing for me but I am getting a massage.. of course I wish it was today but tomorrow will come soon. Love the braids by the way! A great look for you.

  18. You look refreshing in braids.
    Twice per year I take a Momcation for the weekend. I leave our son with my husband and I get in the car with my clothes, money, tablet, phone and go to a hotel. I make sure that I book a spa appointment for the works. I also relax and read. I don’t want calls unless someone is hurt. I also get my hair done. My braider also makes house calls. Every three weeks are my mani/pedi/brows. If mama isn’t well, no one else will be either.

  19. Great piece and gorgeous braids. As a mom of two.. I am now more aware of self care. I felt guilty at first but having my husband encourage it and take over has done wonders. Knowing everything will be okay if i step back, makes me feel good.
    I love photography, so just going on a walk with my camera is suffice 🙂

  20. First! I love the braids on you! I used to get them all of the time but now I just don’t think I can sit still that long and then taking them down OMG! I once spent 12 hours doing that WITH help from my mom. But it’s nothing like new braids to make you feel ultra fab!

  21. I love your hair!! It’s so easy to forget about ourselves when we have a family to care for. I love how you’re being intentional with doing something just for YOU so you don’t lose your self of identity.

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