I’ve been thinking a lot. It’s a side effect of being in the house so much. I’ve been hearing people talk about all the things they will do when “the world is open” since the pandemic started. I have some ideas about what I’d like to do, but at the same time, I wonder if I’ll be ready.

Whenever this pandemic runs it’s course and we can safely move about the cabin, I don’t know that I’ll be in a hurry to move at all. We’ve all gotten to used to needing a mask whenever we leave the house. We are trained to clean our hands obsessively. We give people their space or outright avoid them. I don’t know when I won’t feel that way even when the world is open.
COVID Dream?
The other night I had a dream that my husband and I were out with the kids. We dropped our daughter off at a music class in some high rise building and left. While we were walking around, I noticed no one around us was wearing a mask. Then it occurred to me that no one in the music class was wearing a mask either. I immediately freaked out and started digging through my bag for a mask all while trying to avoid people while making our way back to the music class. It occurred to me that maybe the pandemic was over and the world was open again. That’s why no one had on masks. I didn’t know how to feel about that. I still felt panicked. I’m told what I’ve just described is called a COVID dream. Have you had one?
It makes me question what this new normal we’re rushing to get back to will even look like. How safe will we really feel. It seems like it might be a slow crawl back to “normal”. In the meantime, I’m taking care of my family by taking care of myself and figuring out our new normal.
That looks like making sure we get plenty of physical activity. The kids and I exercise on a regular basis. We’re also making time for people outside of this house. Zoom playdates for the kids and every now and then a socially distant playdate. My girls and I have a wine down over Zoom here and there for a catch up sesh. My husband I have a date night when my Mom takes the kids for the weekend. She’s the only other person we’re around and vice versa.
How are you doing in this new normal? What are you looking forward to when this is over?