Are you the type of person who has to write things down to make sure you actually do them or remember them? *Raises Hand* That’s so me! I have to do lists all of the place. They are taking up lots o’ space in my phone and in my notebook planner. I have lists and sub-lists. I’ve gotten better. The lists used to be spread out on stray pieces of paper here and there.

Having a list is absolutely my favorite way to stay on track. It’s always nice to come back to a list and delete several things because I actually followed through! I give myself a pat on the back and a get it, mama shout and move on to the next thing.

One thing that I’ve tried recently  is really working for me. For the first time, I have a vision board. I had heard about them for years. My intention had been to do one for a while now. I finally sat down earlier this year and made it happen. I went through the old magazines that I haven’t found time to read and started cutting. I went for anything that spoke to me. I included things that I wanted to see in my life or that I wanted to see more of in my life. I found quotes that said something to me. When I was done I had a heap of magazine clippings! I could have done a second vision board with the stuff I threw away.  Here is what I came up with:

929 dump 025

My board speaks to the growth I want to see in my business and my re-commitment to my fitness. It touches on the changes I want to see in our home, travel and my style. They are all represented on the board. While not everything is where I’d like it to be, I’ve seen serious progress. From business to fitness and our home there have been changes. Everything is moving in the right direction. My board isn’t even a year old. I will be paying attention to the progress I make as I get closer to the one year mark.

thougts worldI have to say, there is something to be said for putting what you want out there. It’s a powerful thing to speak it and then watch it take shape. Having a vision board has been a really good thing for me. It’s not that I’m always focused on the board either. Every now and then I glance up at it. There were times that I’d shake my head at myself for not making progress on the things on that board. For a bit, I wasn’t make much of an effort. Having it in front of my face was a constant reminder to DO SOMETHING! So, I did.

I found my work out equipment and DVD’s and started working out again. I thought of the person I used to be when I was in better shape and started buying those foods again. I really do feel like I felt BEFORE having my son almost 5 years ago. Just making those changes in my life have been huge for me. I took time away on a weekend here and there to get some work done. I have been doing research and brainstorming and creating products for this business. I have been sharing my heart with anyone who will listen and the support has been overwhelming. I can’t say looking at that vision board everyday and seeing my goals had nothing to do with that. As I get to work on some of these other goals, I’ll let you know how things unfold. I’m really excited to see what’s next!

Have you done a vision board? What’s been your experience with it? If you haven’t done a vision board, share your ideas for checking off goals!


37 Comments on Write The Vision

  1. The use of vision boards, journalling as a way of putting desires out there into the world is my fave way of being accountable. If it is written or collaged so it must be! Wishing you continued success in deliberate creation!

  2. I haven’t heard of a vision board before. It seems like a great way to refocus on what you really want and need to do.

  3. I love vision boards and the idea of them. When I had one for losing weight I had cut outs of the outfits I would love to wear. Not the size 0 models, just the clothes.

    I think having a constant reminder in front of you is the best way to make sure you follow through with things.
    Mary recently posted…Easy Diy Valentines Day Gifts for himMy Profile

  4. The universe always listens. It may respond in a way that you weren’t expecting, or even like, but it does respond. I always say, “Be careful what you wish for because you WILL get it.” Oh, the stories I could tell. 🙂 I wish you the very best in all your endeavors! Peace.
    Jeanne Melanson recently posted…5 Ways to Make Bath Time Easier for CatsMy Profile

  5. I’ve never done a vision board for myself, although I’ve heard of them. I think this is a great project to do with the kids on a rainy day. You know how teenagers have absolutely no direction in life, yea, my kids.
    Taya recently posted…Crazy Coupon Day – Arm & HammerMy Profile

    • You’re so welcome! I love watching these things come to life from that board! Good luck with yours.

  6. Crafting your vision? That’s where the real excitement starts! ✨ Dreams remain just dreams until you jot them down. Bring them to life, strategize, and pursue them with determination! Your vision serves as the foundation—now get out there and create something incredible! 🚀🔥

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