I know it’s the holiday season. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, the season of giving and all that jazz. Well , I have a confession to make. I have made no secret of the fact that I’ve got next to no Christmas shopping done. For shame, I know!! Christmas is barely two weeks away and I’m just not even prepared. I have purchased one toy for my son but the rest of the purchases have been for MOMMY! Oh yes, I’m all into the season of giving… giving to my selfish self!!!
I’m horrible, I admit it! I have the best intentions of shopping for other people. Then, something happens. Things get in the way. I blame you – most of you. With your fabulous giveaways and such. They only prompt me to shop! So yes, all twelve Shabby Apple giveaways I’ve seen convinced me that I need to have a dress from the Shabby Apple. So, I had to order one. Yes, I want to be a Pretty Girl so, the Pretty Girl Glam giveaway obviously made me pull out the card and make a purchase … or two. I blame you!!! You are the reason my child will have ONE toy under the tree. Our house already looks like a daycare, so he really doesn’t NEED anymore toys – but still, it’s your fault.
I thought you ladies were my virtual girlfriends, my peeps. I thought you had my back and my best interest at heart. Clearly, I was wrong. Your only mission is for my child, husband and the rest of our family to be presented with a lump of coal for Christmas. You won’t win, I won’t let you. Dagnabbit, I will shop!!! I will scratch every .single.name off of my list with each purchase and it will feel so good. I can do this – as long as you all start hosting LAME giveaways. Giveaway a pencil or something. Make it easy on a mommy, I beg of you!

Ha ha…you better get to online shopping…there’s still time 🙂
Natalie recently posted…A Merry Picnesday!
I did make it happen online!!! HA!
Cam recently posted…Monday Mingle : Holiday Par-tay
Lol. I am right there with you. I just got the tree up yesterday and I have not even thought of gifts yet!
This Cookn’ Mom recently posted…Imagine That
You were ahead of us on the tree. We just got the tree this weekend!
Cam recently posted…Monday Mingle : Holiday Par-tay
This post could have been written by me!! I can totally co-sign everything you have written!! The best of luck to you on your Christmas shopping! I am hoping to get started on Monday.. (maybe)! By the way, just found your blog… LOVE IT!
I’m glad I’m not by myself!!! I did some online shopping and I might be alright… MIGHT! Thanks for stopping by!!! 🙂
Cam recently posted…Monday Mingle : Holiday Par-tay
Lol..I feel you sister! I think it’s all about online and giving money…so much easier!
Giving money… oh yea, I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of that!
Cam recently posted…Monday Mingle : Holiday Par-tay
This is why my husband does the holiday shopping for our son and our family, because otherwise I come out with more stuff for me than them.
Barbara recently posted…36 weeks
I’m so GUILTY!
Cam recently posted…Monday Mingle : Holiday Par-tay
Lol nothing for you I say. No but try to buy yourself something nice. And get the baby another toy please.
kita recently posted…What’s the Biz: If you could pick a new career what would it be?
I have hooked the baby up!!! 🙂 Everyone else might be jacked! LOL!
Cam recently posted…Monday Mingle : Holiday Par-tay
I know what you are writing about. The days before christmas are always full of stress for me. I haven’t bought any of the presents till now. I have to buy a tree. I have to clean up the house. But I still have to work. And I helpless. But I don’t give a .. . I try to do my best and do all the things. What else could I do? Nobody hears me crying.
Cindy recently posted…Most common dental problems
I hear you! There are so many things to do!! Not nearly enough time!
Cam recently posted…Monday Mingle : Holiday Par-tay
Haha! Now that was rich! My home already looks like a day care too. You would think I watched 20 kids, but nope, all these toys belongs to just one.
I only got my daughter 2 toys this year. She doesn’t need more, and she’s been having more fun getting into the holiday season by having my Christmas cards look like I lost a fight with a crayon.
You still got time to shop, hopefully someone would give away a pencil so you can focus.
KalleyC recently posted…Making My iPhone Kid Friendly
Looking out for the pencil giveaway to keep me on track!
Cam recently posted…Monday Mingle : Holiday Par-tay
LOL I could blame so many things on bloggers, I guess it has become a guilty pleasure. 😉
You better get moving girlfriend, the clock stops for no one! xo
Latorsha recently posted…Marriage: Getting busy in the bedroom, hallway, etc.
Indeed, the clock ain’t even slowing down for me!
Cam recently posted…Monday Mingle : Holiday Par-tay
haha! This is HILARIOUS! I felt the same way up until last weekend. Then… I went to the toy store and got Aiden two gifts. Then today, I scratched my niece off my list. I have one more to go, then I’m DONE!
Alicia @MommyDelicious recently posted…Take Time to Enjoy Good Company
So jealous!!! I have my son taken care of…everyone else – not so much!
Cam recently posted…Monday Mingle : Holiday Par-tay
Hahaha! Love it. I’ve heard of this Shabby Apple, I won’t look…I musn’t. Same goes with Pinterest. Keep your eye on the prize girl…eye of the Tiger!
I’d totally give away a pencil, a sparkly one for fun.
Cari recently posted…Blogs or Posts I Won’t Read and Why
Pinterest is trying to take me down… I’m fighting! Eye of the Tiger
Cam recently posted…Monday Mingle : Holiday Par-tay
Umm well number 1 I don’t know how to do giveaways. And number 2 one gift is enough. And number 3 shop online and do over night shipping. You got this!
Rebecca Pacrem (@DvrDame) recently posted…My World of Quotes #17
You’re right! I got this!!! Must keep repeating to self…
Cam recently posted…Monday Mingle : Holiday Par-tay
Please forgive me?
Joanne recently posted…Recipe: Sweet Potato Black Bean Chili…Eat.Live.Be.
I blame you!!! LOL!
Cam recently posted…Monday Mingle : Holiday Par-tay
Ha, nice! Lately, all I’ve wanted to do is shop for me so don’t feel bad, lol.
And I’ve actually been trying to think up a giveaway to do on my blog, still deciding on the what and the how 🙂
Denise recently posted…Walking Away When Everything is Going Great
Just do it AFTER the holidays… for my sake! LOL!
Cam recently posted…Monday Mingle : Holiday Par-tay
I have this problem. Every Christmas I take advantage of all of the sales…for me! I hang my head in shame because I’ve only gotten one present….and none of them for my poor Pookah! But the house looks like a daycare like yours does!
Roses Daughter recently posted…As Seen In My Life
Haha!!! glad I’m not in this club solo!
Cam recently posted…Monday Mingle : Holiday Par-tay
I am right there with you. I see so much fabulous stuff I can’t focus on others. But Pretty Girl Glam is def worth it! Your going to love it!
Baby Shopaholic recently posted…We are Still Shopping!
I’m looking forward to my Pretty Girl gifts!!
Cam recently posted…Monday Mingle : Holiday Par-tay
Too funny!!! You’re easily distracted from your purpose by fun fashions. I hope you finally get it all done!
Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell recently posted…Wanna Play a Game?
So easily distracted!
Cam recently posted…Monday Mingle : Holiday Par-tay
OMG just having to think about wrapping all the gifts I bought is enough to give me a panic attack!
Kristy @PampersandPinot recently posted…The Holidays are Getting Hot
Oh my goodness. I wish I had that problem!!! HA!
Cam recently posted…Monday Mingle : Holiday Par-tay
Haha! I’m so behind on my Christmas shopping too! I could have sworn I had another week. Those Shabby Apple dresses are also trying to lure me. 🙂
Grumpy Grateful Mom recently posted…Stop Making Me Mad!
I can’t believe I’ve let it get this bad. It’s so sad!
Cam recently posted…Monday Mingle : Holiday Par-tay
I decide to do online shopping for Christmas every single year, but I never do :(. I am old fashioned, I like to touch and feel the products. How can I change this? I so want to be done with the XMas gifts at the end of November next year!
Anna recently posted…teeth straightening without braces
I love online shopping. Just been doing too much of it for myself! LOL!
Cam recently posted…Monday Mingle : Holiday Par-tay
I haven’t bought anything yet either. not because I’m shopping for myself but because I don’t know what I want her to have. She doesn’t need any more toys so I don’t know if I’m going to buy her any but I do want her to have some things to open. I think I may go out this weekend and pick her up a few things.
That’s a whole other problem. I had been going back and forth on what to get him.I think I got a few good things. Fingers crossed. Good luck!
Cam recently posted…Monday Mingle : Holiday Par-tay