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Some Things Must Be Documented


Every now and then… I’m feeling good. I’ve had some sleep. I feel kinda rested. It’s a nice day. The weather is lovely. I feel like taking a picture or two… or seven. It’s an even better day if I still have an ounce of energy left once I get home from work. That, my friends, is […] Read more…

Five Ways to Get Your Life


“Storms make oaks take root.” – Proverb There’s no doubt that no two people are the same. There is also no doubt that we all experience some of the same things. It’s been said that into every life some rain must fall. Well, there have been times where I felt like there was a storm […] Read more…

And then he called me old…


It’s no secret that I’m getting older. I know it. The grey hairs on my head provide daily reminders. I was cool with them at first and then they started going rouge. Give a grey an inch, they take over your head. Now it’s time to get into the color. I ain’t going down without a fight! […] Read more…

And I Quote…


I take inspiration in all forms. One sure fire way to shift my thinking and my mood are quotes. I am always looking for quotes to inspire and to motivate. I am kind of the queen of quotes. I used to have then taped all around the computer monitor at my desk. image via Here […] Read more…

Inside the House of Fab


Recently I got an email for a Meet Up. The invite was for a charity event held at the JustFab offices. The event would be gathering dresses for teens to wear to their prom. We were asked to donate formal attire and in exchange we could get one free item from Sounded like a […] Read more…

Lesson Learned…Finally


*This was originally published by me on Studio 30 Plus* What makes a writer? I have seen this question asked in some form or another a lot lately. I’ve even asked the question of myself. It wasn’t until recently that I began to see myself as a writer. I’m not sure why it took me […] Read more…