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They Can’t Be “Real”


It’s my fault. I watched it. All three parts! Why on earth did I let myself watch the Real Housewives of Atlanta reunion??? Why didn’t you stop me? All.Three.Parts. I’m convinced I’ve lowered my IQ just by watching the foolishness. They went so far as to argue over tweets, people!!! Who tweeted what and who […] Read more…

Um, Yeah, Buh-Bye


It’s been said that once you become a mom, you can kiss sleep good-bye. Silly me, I thought that was only in the beginning. I didn’t understand that meant I’d never “sleep” soundly again. Ever. I promise, I hear every creak in the middle of the night. Every. Single. One. My son usually comes in […] Read more…

UPrinting Giveaway


As a blogger, I know how important it is have business cards on the ready. The minute you tell someone you have a blog you have to be prepared to follow it up with your information. I have to say, I learned this the hard way on more than one occasion. So with that being […] Read more…

It’s Time to Par-tay!!!!!!!


It’s party time around these parts and you’re invited! I’m linking up with the twin bloggers at 5 Minutes for Mom. They’re the lovely hosts of the amazing Ultimate Blog Party. It’s kinda like a block party but online. At a block party, you meet new neighbors, eat some food and make a few buddies […] Read more…

Who I Used To Be


I was clearing out an old email account recently. There were over 10,000 pieces of mail in there. Yes, it had been a long while since I’d really paid that account any attention. Obviously, I didn’t read every piece of mail as I was clearing things out. I did read a few. Mostly, I checked […] Read more…

Five Words


I spend a good amount of time on Mama Kat’s site. There’s always something worth reading over there. Aside from being a part of her writing workshop she also has random writing prompts. They’re great when I’m in need of a little inspiration. I found this gem not too long ago: Describe yourself in 5 […] Read more…

What’s In A Name?


This week I’m linking up with Mama Kat for her Writer’s Workshop. The prompt I chose this week is: What did you want your name to be? Growing up, I never had really given my name much thought. I’ve always been cool with my name and never heard another that I thought would work better […] Read more…

Blogging Taught Me…


I’ve been at this blogging thing for a few years now. I’ve been blogging at Bibs & Baubles just over a year. I thought I had learned somethings in my first few months. After more than a year at it… I’ve learned even more. Here’s my top 5 things: 1 – People stop blogging. There […] Read more…

Baby Steps


It’s been slow going around here but we’re finally getting into the swing of things. I think it’s really starting to hit home that this baby is coming whether we’re ready or not. I had been kind of laid back about it all. I started clearing out the room and that she and her brother […] Read more…